For your convenience, the most common questions I get asked are answered right here.

What Is Psychotherapy?

It is a way to take care of your mental health, just as you engage in caring for other aspects of your life. People are multifaceted. Taking care of your body, soul, and mind increase satisfaction in life. The ability to cope with stress in life is often a skill that needs to be learned. It’s not easy dealing with responsibility, relationships, or roles that make up the person you are. Psychotherapy provides the opportunity to increase your overall well-being and create health relationships with others.

What type of symptoms do you work with?

People deal with a variety of emotions, thoughts, and behavior that they may want to change. This can be from a difficult time in life, such as a life transition, or can be from environmental stressors, such as the loss of a loved one. Life throws us curveballs and we learn how to navigate accordingly. It is helpful to have a non-biased person by your side during life stress in order to healthily process the difficult stuff and move through it. I work with people experiencing grief and loss, life transition, anxiety, depression, infertility, the aging process, substance abuse, domestic violence, unhealthy relationships, adjustment to change, and transition through developmental milestones.

Is therapy for me?

Everyone can benefit from having a good clinician in their corner on life’s journey. Most of the people I work with are just like you. They are executives of companies, doctors, mothers, accountants, spouses, attorneys, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, adolescents, young adults, and their family members who need a place to discuss the hard stuff in life.

How long does therapy normally last?

Sessions are scheduled once a week or biweekly, depending on the need of the person. Phone sessions are scheduled for 25 or 50 minute sessions. Online sessions are 50 minute sessions. Depending on your needs, psychotherapy may be time limited session length, or you may choose to stay a client forever. How long and how often you want to work with me is entirely up to you.

 Do you take insurance?

Payment is due at the appointment time. I accept credit cards, debit cards, HSA cards, PayPal, flex cards, and checks. If an appointment is missed or cancelled less than 48 hours in advance, clients are responsible for the full fee of the session.

At this time, I do not take insurance. However, I am happy to provide you with a copy of your bill for service in order for you to submit an out of network claim to your insurance provider.